Saturday Conference schedule
7:30 Registration and Vendors (ballroom)
8:30 Welcome –
Introduce Sponsors and basic housekeeping,
9:00 Tourism as an
Income Generator - (Ballroom)
Then separate tracks
Business Track - Growing my Revenue
10:00 Collaboration
-Expand your market through on and off the farm opportunities
11:15 Cottage
Industry laws/ culinary product liability.
12:30 Lunch(ballroom)
1:15 Keynote in
the Ballroom during dessert -Allison Vaught
2:15 Wholesale
/retail - setting your prices for profit
3:30 Agritourism-
expanding your revenue base- secondary crop to increase your revenue stream
4:45 Briefing
about Saturday evening activities
6:00 Sat evening
Plant Track- Growing my Business
10:00 Cultivars- old
and new choosing what you need for your farm
11:15 Culinary
Lavender in Cocktails/Mocktails - gin, vodka, sours and bitters-how to craft
extracts for cocktails and mocktails
12:30 Lunch ballroom
1:15 Keynote in
the ballroom during dessert Allison Vaught
2:15 Propagation-
patented and non-patented plants
3:30 Essential
4:45 Briefing about
Saturday evening activities
6:00 Sat evening
Product Track- Growing my Product line
10:00 Cold Process Soap (FEE)
12:30 Lunch
1:15 Keynote in
the ballroom during dessert Allison Vaught
2:15 Bath Bombs (FEE)
3:30 Broom making ( FEE)
4:45 Briefing about the evening activities
6:00 Sat evening
Sunday Schedule
7:30 Vendors
8:00 Distillation
demo and presentation ballroom
Then separate tracks
Business track- Growing my Revenue
10:30 Are you ready
for Chat GBT and AI?
12:00 Lunch/ ballroom
-Discussion of Lavender Trails Soap cutting
1:15 Upping
your presence on Social media using AI
2:30 Print ads
vs. Digital ads/Facebook, Google
4:00 Close
Growing Track -Growing my business
10:30 Growing for
market- selling to restaurants and bars, rules/regs
12:00 Lunch /
ballroom -Discussion of Lavender Trails Soap cutting
1:15 Diseases- signs and possible remediation
2:30 Organic
versus naturally grown
4:00 Close ( Ballroom)
Product Track- Growing my Product Line
10:30 Safe usage of
essential oils – creating roller balls etc.
12:00 Lunch/
ballroom -Discussion of Lavender Trails Soap cutting
1:15 Wreathmaking (FEE)
4:00 Close