Dr. Steven Jeffers Ph.D. Clemson University
Plant Pathology- Phytophthora specialist
Professor and Extension Specialist with statewide responsibilities for diseases of ornamental crops in nurseries, greenhouses, and landscapes, and diseases of trees in both urban and natural ecosystems. Research focuses on diseases caused by species of Phytophthora and rust diseases, with emphasis on the biology and ecology of Phytophthora spp., pathogen detection, identifying sources of inoculum, and integrated disease management, including optimizing fungicide applications, manipulating cultural practices, evaluating host plant resistance, and investigating the feasibility of biological control options.
Collaboration with the SC Dept. of Plant Industry, USDA-APHIS, and the USDA Forest Service to keep Phytophthora ramorum out of the Southeastern US and with The American Chestnut Foundation to screen hybrid chestnut seedlings for resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi. At Clemson University since 1995 after 7 years at the University of Wisconsin-Madison working on n